Category: 20–21 Season


Flying south for the season

The season is now underway! On Wednesday we had an early start and departed Hobart airport at 07:00. The flight to Wilkins Runway, Antartica feels rather short, being only 4.5 hours in the air.

We arrived at Wilkins blue ice runway in perfect conditions. With a quick swap from the plane to the hagglunds (snow-tracked vehicles) we were on our way again, heading down the hill to Casey station.

Things got underway pretty quickly, getting straight down to work and setting up equipment for the season.

This weekend, I’m off station to complete Antarctic “survival training”, which involves camping out in the snow overnight. I’m looking forward to it!


Off to Hobart

Despite bad weather delaying the start of the season, we’re now underway with pre-departure! On Sunday I left Melbourne and flew into Hobart.

This season is very, very different compared to my other summers down south. Empty planes, hotel quarantine, social distancing. It sure will be a season to remember.

This is currently the first week of a two week quarantine. Assuming the weather and everything else goes to plan, I’ll be looking to fly to Wilkins on Monday week.

20–21 SeasonAntarctica

I’ll be working at Casey, again!

With travel details formalised this week it’s time to (officially) announce I’ll be heading South for my third summer season in Antarctica. I’m proud to have such a unique opportunity to visit a part of the world which so few people get to see – I’ll be working at Casey station! Again!

It’s 2020 so I’ll try to avoid using the overused word “unprecedented” where possible. So much is going on in the world right now, and will make this Antarctic season quite challenging, requiring adaptability and resilience from all expeditioners.

I head off to Hobart in about two weeks. Then, subject to weather, fly to Wilkins about two weeks after that.

The 74th ANARE is sure going to be a very different season.