Today is the first day seeing snow outside, so I’m pretty sure we’re heading the ship in the right direction. Big, fluffy flat flakes like you see in the movies drifting around in the air. It’s really pretty to look at, until it freezes on the steel decks that is – then it becomes very slippery to be outside!

Training continues with briefings now centered around resupply planning for Davis. As I have a connecting flight to Mawson I don’t have official duties during resupply, as any day we could be told to grab our bags and head to the skiway once we get a weather window to fly, so there’s not much point rostering us into the plan. They need help monitoring the fuel line which runs from the ship to station, kitchen slushy, and other duties like that so I’ll be sure to pitch in where I can. Maybe get some internet on station if I’m lucky as it’s been a long time with no Facebook and personal email.

No winner for the iceberg sweepstakes yet, but we continue to be on the lookout for the first sighting of the voyage. Last I heard we’re due to reach the pack ice on Saturday.

Posted by Bren

Avid hiker and Antarctic expeditioner.