Yesterday and today have been spent out at sea in the pack ice. Checking the forecast (and simply looking outside!) shows there is high winds and poor visibility, which means boating operations are suspended till conditions improve.

As an expeditioner it’s great to be in the pack ice though as there is so much more wildlife to see here compared to being out in the open water. Seals lay around whilst adelie penguins hop into the water for a quick feed. Various petrel species fly past the window as I’m making a cup of tea in the mess. It’s a reminder of how pristine the wilderness is down here and I always make time each day to look out from the bridge and try and take it all in.

The forecast looks a bit better Saturday, and improved again for Sunday, so I’m hoping we can complete Mawson resupply as per the revised schedule. I look out over the decks of the ship and most of the cargo containers have now gone so we must be close to finished, with only some RTA (Return to Australia cargo) and final passengers to bring aboard.

Posted by Bren

Avid hiker and Antarctic expeditioner.